Apr 11, 2023

The Value of Attending A Property Management Conference

Value of Attending a Property Management Conference

Now that registration is open for the 2023 Rent Manager User Conference, you may be planning your flights or booking your hotel stay. A property management conference like the RMUC offers amazing opportunities to learn, network, and test-drive the latest product features. But these experiences also costs you or your business money, so we’re breaking down the real value when it comes to attending these industry events. Let’s review some key factors to weigh when deciding whether to send yourself or your team to a destination conference.

What’s On The Agenda

With so many online trainings and virtual options available, it’s important to understand what an in-person event will offer before attending a property management conference. You will need to review what sessions are being offered and who is teaching those classes—is it someone knowledgeable with a valued reputation in the industry? Review the presenter list and look for names and biographies that make you excited to attend their sessions. Additionally, some events have attendance caps for particular courses. Confirm that you’ll be able to attend the classes you want, and what steps you need to take to secure your seat.

Another important factor to consider is who else will be attending the conference. If your competitors are flying to a summit, chances are you will also want to attend, or you may risk giving them a leg up. Conferences are also a great time to network with industry peers, vendors, and even future clients. Look to see if your conference hosts social events or networking spaces where you can easily connect with fellow attendees.

How Does RMUC.23 Compare?

As the winner of the 2022 Silver Stevie Award in Conferences & Meetings – Educational Event category, the Rent Manager User Conference sets high standards when it comes to our sessions. Each year, we review our schedule and carefully select classes that will provide the biggest impact for our attendees. Sessions presented by our internal Rent Manager experts are thoroughly reviewed and practiced in front of the RMUC planning committee and peers. For our external speakers, we recruit the industry’s best to share their hard-earned advice, tips, and tricks that will help attendees solve today’s most pressing property management problems.

Tangible Learnings For Property Management

Getting inspired by an amazing presentation or conversation is just the first step. The hardest part is taking that inspiration and translating it into visible progress. If your employer is paying to send you, a bottom-line boost is likely the return they want on their investment. For this, you need not only inspiring sessions, but practical advice on how to implement changes in your business. Review your conference agenda and look for opportunities for hands-on trainings. Find experiences where the speaker walks through a common problem and demonstrates a new solution. Look for classes that provide workbooks or handouts that you can use as a template when applying that advice to your operations. Roundtable and Q&A sessions also offer the chance to ask panelists questions directly pertaining to your area of interest.

How Does RMUC.23 Compare?

The Rent Manager User Conference always starts with Rent Manager Bootcamp, an all-day training led by Rent Manager experts. This year, we’re expanding our offerings with two customized options: Rent Manager Core Bootcamp, our crash-course fundamentals training, and Rent Manager Administrator Bootcamp, a customized training course where you can learn creative solutions to your everyday operations. Attendees will also have the chance to earn a coveted Rent Manager Certification while attending the conference—an accreditation demonstrating a level of expertise that is well worth the conference investment. Any of these steps empower attendees to return to their office ready to tackle any challenge.

Our conference sessions are designed to be engaging and interactive to help you retain all the information. Additionally, all courses include downloadable documents you can use as reference points or to share with colleagues. Our Rent Manger employees attend the same social events as attendees, so they are easy to connect with if you have follow-up questions.

Networking Opportunities

We mentioned it before but it bears repeating… industry conferences are the perfect place to network! Review the conference schedule to see if the event offers networking opportunities. This includes happy hours, social events, or industry lunch groups—all great ways to connect with other attendees in a natural environment. Some events offer even more networking opportunities with sponsor trade shows. These spaces are usually packed with vendor booths and allow attendees to view product demonstrations, learn ways to enhance their operations, and mingle with like-minded peers.

How Does RMUC.23 Compare?

RMUC.23 offers several networking opportunities that are included with the price of admission. The Opening Reception, Innovation Hall Power Hour, and Mealtime Networking tables all offer fun ways to let loose and connect with other attendees and exhibitors. This year, the newly-added Networking Track will also provide a dedicated time for property management professionals to connect with their peers by industry and Rent Manager experience level. We also offer a Premier Social event that takes attendees out of the learning mindset to experience our destination city for a night of food and fun.

How Can You Make the Most of Your Property Management Conference?

Once you’ve decided on the property management conference you want to attend, ensure you get the most bang for your buck. Check out some ways to maximize your experience by following the below tips!

Get Approval

Attending an industry conference is an investment of time and money. Ensure your boss understands the value of your attendance by sharing the information that sold you—explain which classes and events you plan to attend, and how you can use what you learn to impact the overall business. To make your proposal even more impressive and save yourself some time, check out this pitch letter to attend RMUC.23.


Check the weather for your destination and pack accordingly. Print extra business cards and be prepared to use them. But most importantly, clear your schedule so you can fully focus on your conference experience! Review the conference agenda and choose the sessions that will be most beneficial to you ahead of time. Most events have packed schedules with overlapping classes. As great as it would be to attend every class, it’s not always possible. Choose the sessions that will have the greatest impact on you and your business. By narrowing your focus even slightly, you can free your schedule for impromptu networking experiences. Don’t forget to make time for ‘non-educational’ events, like formalized networking sessions, informal happy hours, group workouts, movie screenings, etc. You can review all the sessions offered at RMUC.23 and start planning your experience now here.

Engage With Sessions

Participate in classes, raise your hand, and take notes—this helps you retain the information and provides a handy resource when you return to work. Snag the speaker’s contact information and send them a follow-up email, referencing a moment from their session. This will help you not only reinforce what you learned, but potentially create a valuable industry contact. Collecting business cards or jotting down quick reminders about new contacts after a networking session can help you build relationships and references for later. Make a note of follow-up ideas, shared points of interest, or key questions for your next interaction.

Attend The Non-Educational Events

Attending conferences isn’t just about the new skills you learn, but about the connections you make. Take advantage of the networking opportunities offered. From structured to informal events, there are many ways to get to know your fellow attendees outside of a classroom. Take advantage of the in-person element and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone–you never know who you might meet!

For even more tips, check out our podcast, Beyond Rent: Top Tips for Maximizing The Value of a Conference. And don’t forget to register for the 2023 Rent Manager User Conference in Dallas, Texas. Early Bird discount pricing ends June 30th, so register today!